Post by Veronica Peterson on Jan 12, 2009 19:14:22 GMT -5
*Preston Chelsea High Enroll Form
[/u]*{first MIDDLE last[/color][/size]}
[3 icons 100x100 or a single image goes here][/center]
•• Name / Alias: [what should we call you?]
•• Location / Timezone: [eastern / pacific etc.]
•• How can we contact you: [yahoo? msn? Pm? aim? etc.]
••What other characters do you play:
••Roleplaying Age: [length of time you have been roleplaying]
[/right][/size]•• Location / Timezone: [eastern / pacific etc.]
•• How can we contact you: [yahoo? msn? Pm? aim? etc.]
••What other characters do you play:
••Roleplaying Age: [length of time you have been roleplaying]
•• Characters Name:
•• Canon / Original: [is it a canon or one you have created yourself?]
•• Character Nickname(s):
•• Gender:
•• Age & Birthday: [including year]
•• Place of Birth:
•• Hometown:
•• Character Portrayal/Celeb Claim:
•• Ethnicity:
•• Distinguishing Features: [one paragraph atleast, what makes your appearance stand out, what to people notice about your appearance etc.]
•• Forum rules:
•• Current Grade: [freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior]
•• Occupation: [do you have a job?]
•• Subjects:
[/b][basketball, cheerleading, swin team, chess club, drama club]•• Canon / Original: [is it a canon or one you have created yourself?]
•• Character Nickname(s):
•• Gender:
•• Age & Birthday: [including year]
•• Place of Birth:
•• Hometown:
•• Character Portrayal/Celeb Claim:
•• Ethnicity:
•• Distinguishing Features: [one paragraph atleast, what makes your appearance stand out, what to people notice about your appearance etc.]
•• Forum rules:
•• Current Grade: [freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior]
•• Occupation: [do you have a job?]
•• Subjects:
Clique: [pick one: Populars, jocks, preps, jokers, skaters, outcasts]
••Appearance: [atleast two paragraphs, include eye color, hair color,
height, weight, clothes style and anything else you would like to add]
•• Parents’ Names:
•• Father’s Name / Age :
•• Power(s):
•• Occupation or Deceased:
•• Mother’s Name / Age:
•• Power(s):
•• Occupation or Deceased:
•• Sibling(s):
•• Sibling Name & Age:
•• Power(s):
•• Occupation or Deceased:
•• Love Interest:
•• Best Friend:
•• Rommate / who you live with:
•• Personality: [atleast two paragraphs more will impress me]
•• Likes: [atleast 3]
•• Dislikes: [atleast 3]
•• Strengths: [atleast 3]
•• Weaknesses: [atleast 3]
[adding more to lists will impress me]
••Power name
•• The ability to
•• Limitation(s):
Future Powers
•• Power name
•• The ability to
•• Limitation(s):
•• Character's History: [3-4 paragraphs about what you done,
include important information like did they have a good childhood?
when did they come to PCH? When did they discover their power if
any? Did they tell anyone?]
•• Anything Else:
[center][color=white][size=8]*[/size][size=3][u]Preston Chelsea High Enroll Form[/size][/color][/u][size=8][color=white]*[/size]
[size=16][color=White]{[/color][/size][size=4]first MIDDLE last[/color][/size][size=16][color=White]}[/color][/size]
[3 icons 100x100 or a single image goes here][/center]
[color=steelblue][right][size=1][b] •• Name / Alias: [/b][what should we call you?]
[b] •• Location / Timezone: [/b][eastern / pacific etc.]
[b] •• How can we contact you:[/b] [yahoo? msn? Pm? aim? etc.]
[b] ••What other characters do you play:[/b]
[b] ••Roleplaying Age:[/b] [length of time you have been roleplaying][/color][/right][/size]
[size=1][left][b] •• Characters Name:[/b]
[b] •• Canon / Original:[/b] [is it a canon or one you have created yourself?]
[b] •• Character Nickname(s):[/b]
[b] •• Gender:[/b]
[b] •• Age & Birthday: [/b][including year]
[b] •• Place of Birth:[/b]
[b] •• Hometown:[/b]
[b] •• Character Portrayal/Celeb Claim:[/b]
[b] •• Ethnicity:[/b]
[b] •• Distinguishing Features:[/b] [one paragraph atleast, what makes your appearance stand out, what to people notice about your appearance etc.]
[b] •• Forum rules:[/b]
[b] •• Current Grade:[/b] [freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior]
[b] •• Occupation:[/b] [do you have a job?]
[b] •• Subjects: [/b][ul]
[b] •• Clubs: [/b][basketball, cheerleading, swin team, chess club, drama club]
[b] Clique: [/b][pick one: Populars, jocks, preps, jokers, skaters, outcasts]
[b] ••Appearance: [/b][atleast two paragraphs, include eye color, hair color,
height, weight, clothes style and anything else you would like to add]
[b] •• Parents’ Names:[/b]
[b] •• Father’s Name / Age : [/b]
[b] •• Power(s):[/b]
[b] •• Occupation or Deceased:[/b]
[b] •• Mother’s Name / Age:[/b]
[b] •• Power(s):[/b]
[b] •• Occupation or Deceased:[/b]
[b] •• Sibling(s):[/b]
[b] •• Sibling Name & Age:[/b]
[b] •• Power(s):[/b]
[b] •• Occupation or Deceased:[/b]
[b] •• Love Interest:[/b]
[b] •• Best Friend:[/b]
[b] •• Rommate / who you live with:[/b]
[b] •• Personality:[/b] [atleast two paragraphs more will impress me]
[b] •• Likes:[/b] [atleast 3][ul]
[b] •• Dislikes:[/b] [atleast 3][ul]
[b] •• Strengths: [/b][atleast 3][ul]
[b] •• Weaknesses:[/b] [atleast 3][ul]
[adding more to lists will impress me]
[b] ••Power name[/b]
[b] •• The ability to[/b]
[b] •• Limitation(s): [/b]
[i]Future Powers[/i]
[b] •• Power name[/b]
[b] •• The ability to[/b]
[b] •• Limitation(s): [/b]
[b] •• Character's History: [/b][3-4 paragraphs about what you done,
include important information like did they have a good childhood?
when did they come to PCH? When did they discover their power if
any? Did they tell anyone?]
[b] •• Anything Else: [/b]